1) 整個流程大約幾天可以完成?
How many days does it roughly take to complete the entire authentication and appraisal process?
As of the date of receipt of the object, the authentication and appraisal of the ancient Buddha amulets takes approximately 7-10 working days, while the authentication of the ancient jade ware takes approximately 10-14 working days.
2) 古佛牌的元素鑑定與傳統鑑定有什麼差異?
What is the difference between the identification of elements of ancient Buddha amulets and the traditional method for the authentication of amulets?
The traditional method for the authentication and appraisal of ancient Buddha amulets is largely based on visual observation techniques as well as relevant experience and rules. Traditional authentication and appraisal process mainly features subjective judgments made by humans based on their visual observations of the surface and appearance, mold lines and colors of relevant Buddha amulets. Element identification, on the other hand, is the analysis of the elemental composition of amulets through the use of XRF (X-ray fluorescence) spectrometer. The ancient Buddha amulets of each category have their specific components during the production, thus the signs of aging and oxidation on these ancient amulets appear to be different from those on the imitated modern products. In addition, an amulet is deemed a modern imitation if it contains any modern chemical components. Furthermore, the ancient Buddha amulets feature the extensive use of various materials, as well as diverse elements and components as its composition, while the modern antique imitators can only imitate the shape and appearance of the amulets without the knowledge of the elemental composition of these amulets. Therefore, element identification is by far the most objective and reliable method in the field of authentication and appraisal of ancient Buddha amulets.
3) 哪些物件可以送檢定?
What type of objects can be delivered for authentication and appraisal?
All the ancient jade ware whose estimated date is prior to the Ming Dynasty shall be eligible for further authentication and appraisal. All the jade ware that appeared since the Qing Dynasty (since A.D.1644) are temporarily not eligible for relevant authentication and appraisal since there have been a lot of controversies and errors as to the determination and identification of signs of aging on the jade ware of this period.
For the all the items of authentication and appraisal available for the ancient Buddha amulets, please refer to the specific information in the section of “Item Categories of Ancient Buddha Amulets Available for Authentication”. The dates of the Buddha amulets eligible for authentication and appraisal are mostly prior to the year 2523 on the Buddhist calendar (i.e. A.D. 1980). Petrochemical raw materials were rarely used as the major raw materials of the Buddha amulets whose dates are prior to the above year, and the relevant components and elements composing these amulets are clearly identifiable. In addition, Buddha amulets which are made from the materials derived from endangered species or Kuman Thongs (including the dead fetuses) are not eligible for authentication and appraisal in accordance with the international laws and regulations even if their dates are prior to the above stated year.
4) 部分古佛牌屬於有機物,是不是可以透過碳14(C14)技術來定年份?
Since some ancient Buddha amulets are made from organic materials, are you able to determine the ages and dates of the amulets through the use of carbon-14 (C14) dating technology?
It is true that the carbon-14 (C14) dating technology can be used for the determination of the ages and dates of organic matters. However, the error value of the current carbon-14 (C14) dating technology is usually above 30 years, and even above a few hundred or thousand years in some rare cases even if some high-end instruments are used for the identification and detection. However, most of the high-priced ancient Buddha amulets currently available are over 50 years of age, and an error value of over several decades can inevitably change the results of detection and easily confuse the real dates and ages of the amulets. Therefore, this method is currently not applicable to the dating of amulets of such nature.
5) 寄送至收件辦公室的過程,有加值保價嗎?
Is there any guaranteed value-added insurance included in the process of delivery of objects for authentication to the receiving office at SenHuang Center?
As for the delivery of relevant objects to SenHuang Antique Authentication Center, you need to apply for value-added insurance to the delivery company if any value-added insurance is required upon your decision. The guaranteed value-added insurance provided by SenHuang Antique Authentication Center shall be calculated starting from the date of receipt of the relevant objects.
6) 加值保價後,若遇損壞是100%全額賠償嗎?
Can I receive 100% full compensation for any damage caused if the value-added insurance is added and guaranteed?
Our compensation for damage is entirely based on the specific condition and severity of the damage. The 100% full compensation shall be provided if there are any large-scale fractures or damages.
7) 鑑定證遺失怎麼辦?
What if my authentication and appraisal certificate is lost?
The built-in chip on each authentication and appraisal certificate incorporates an anti-theft feature, and we are not able to re-issue the certificate if it is lost. Therefore, please make sure to keep your certificate in a safe place. Alternatively, please keep a record of the serial number of as well as the QR Code image on your authentication and appraisal certificate by other means. In that case, you can still authenticate your collections through the authentication inquiry system on our website even if you lose your certificate.
8) 可以自行送件過去或者完成後自行取回嗎?
Can I deliver the objects for authentication to your office or retrieve my objects in person after the completion of the authentication and appraisal process?
Yes, but a reservation is required before you deliver or retrieve the objects in person. Please email or call us first to make a reservation before your delivery or retrieval.
9) 若多送驗幾件,會有折扣嗎?
Will there be any discount on the fees if more than one objects are delivered for authentication and appraisal?
At present, we are offering our special business options. If you have long-term demand for antique authentication and appraisal in large quantity, you are welcome to email us for further negotiations.
10) 鑒定後並非年代相符,也會有鑒定卡嗎?
Will there be an authentication card issued if the antique does not match the corresponding era it is supposed to belong to after relevant the authentication?
If an antique is not deemed an authentic one that matches the corresponding era it is supposed to belong to, then there will be no authentication card issued, while a brief authentication and appraisal report shall still be provided.
11) 有哪些付款方式?
What are some of the common payment methods?
Through our on-line order system, you can make your payment by credit card and remittance transfer or using Alipay.
12) 檢驗過程可能會損壞物件嗎?
Will the entire authentication process cause any damage to the object?
We are currently using a set of non-destructive authentication methods for our process and therefore it will not cause any damage to the object. However, if the object has been originally damaged or has not been repaired before the authentication and appraisal, please make sure to inform us immediately. We will reject and return the object without conducting any relevant authentication and appraisal for anyone who conceals information of such nature.
13) 修復後的物件也可以送檢定嗎?
Can the repaired objects be delivered for authentication and appraisal?
Yes, but you need to inform us of the status of repaired objects and the specific spots of repair on the objects. Otherwise, the relevant analytical instrument are likely to identify the objects as imitated modern products as indicated in the data on the instrument.
14) 跨海寄送會有關稅的問題嗎?
Will there be any tariffs imposed on the overseas deliveries?
No. The authentication and appraisal business belongs to the service business, and its main objects are simply the deliveries of sample objects rather than specific trade or transactions.